April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In our quest to empower women in our community we will be hosting a free community service Women’s Self Defense Workshop at Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense in Doral a suburb of Miami, Florida on April 30. The workshop will be held from 7:45PM to 9PM.
We have been holding free women’s self defense workshops for over 17 years. Last month in March we conducted a workshop for The University of Miami and for teenage Girl Scouts from a troop in Miami Lakes.
This week we heard in the news of another rape in FIU (Florida International University.) This hits home because FIU is less than 5 miles from our martial arts, fitness center. Yet, the statistics are alarming. More than seventy percent of women in America encounter a violent crime within her life time. Every nine seconds a woman is battered. One out of every eight women currently living in the US has been a rape victim. Each day approximately three thousand women report that they have been victims of some force aggression. 1 in 5 women a day are raped during college. The number of women who have been murdered by their intimate partners is greater than the number of soldiers killed in the Vietnam War. These statistics are just the reported cases, far more assaults go unreported.
Teenage Girls Self Defense Workshop for Miami Lakes Girl Scouts at Anta's March 2015
Have I gotten your attention yet? Yes, as a woman you could become an endangered species. The truth of the matter is that your safety is your responsibility, not your knight in shinning Armor (husband, boy friend or brother), the government, your association or the security guards. Remember you are not always in the presence of your knight and by the time the police arrive it might be too late. So what can a woman do not to be a statistic?
The answer lies in this African proverb. Every morning a lion wakes up and chases a gazelle across the plain. The lion never goes after the swiftest, strongest gazelle. The lion doesn’t want the challenge, the lion wants a meal. So the lion picks the slowest and weakest. When the criminal goes out in search of a victim he doesn’t want a challenge he wants the easy prey.
As a corrections officer (I worked in a state prison for over 10 years), martial artist for life, Krav Maga self defense instructor and through years of research, I’ve discovered 3 things that the bad guy does not want to happen.
- He doesn’t want to be physically defeated by the victim.
- He doesn’t want the victim to identify him.
- He doesn’t want to be caught by the police.
He picks on women that he perceives to be easy victims. It’s not how tough you really are but how tough he perceives you are. To accomplish this goal you must learn verbal and physical self defense as a confidence builder. You most learn to walk like a predator and not like prey. You most learn to project your voice in what we call a bad dog attitude. You most learn to turn fear into power. You most be aware of your surroundings at all times. Yet your main weapon is the simple element of surprise.
Women Self Defense at the University of Miami March 2015
Reading this article or books on self defense will not teach you to defend your self. It can however point you in the right direction. You most become the fastest gazelle not a victim of crime! By the way I forgot to mention that the predator in that African proverb is a female lion.
The good news is that our free women self defense workshop we’ll empower you. We’ll teach you simple techniques to survive an encounter with a stronger male from Krav Maga. Krav Maga is what is taught in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force.) The techniques we use have been time tested in the battle fields of Israel. Now you can learn these techniques here in Doral at our women’s self defense workshop and the best part is that it is obsoletely free. Call us today at 305 599-3649 to register for this free workshop that can save your life.
Checkout our women self defense on Tr3 Top 20 TV show on our YouTube Channel.