Does your child have the self confidence to mentally survive the first few days of school? Imagine this scenario and don’t think it can not happen to your child. Schools back, your child was super excited for the first day of school. Yet, as the bell rings & your child walks into his/her class room the excitement comes to an end. The school yard bully is sizing them up. Now the bully is teasing him/her and making them feel miserable. Would your child know what to do? If they are a student of Anta's Fitness and Self Defense, been through our summer camp or starting our After School program they will be prepared to survive an encounter with the school yard bully.
Yet, self confidence as well as self defense is an on going thing. It’s like bathing, we get dirty and have to shower daily to stay clean. Self Defense and self confidence are the same. We must train in both daily to stay alert and ready. Even better is when you as parents continue to work on their self confidence to build their self esteem at home. Below are some great back-to-school tips for you to work at home. How to build your child’s self confidence, especially now for back to school.
Always seek opportunities that increase your child’s self-confidence and there is no better way than through Anta’s Martial Arts Kids program. The best way to build self confidence is through reality based self defense and a great anti-bullying program such as “Anta’s Art of Fighting Without Fighting Anti-Bullying” program.
The very best thing you can equip your kids with is self-confidence. There is absolutely no substitute for self-confidence. Kids with self confidence are equip to face life every day problems with a positive outlook and tend to get better grades, have more friends, and deal with way less stress than most kids. If they are consistent with the mind and body training of the martial arts it will continue throughout their lives, throughout college and work.
Here are the tips that I promised you to increasing your child’s self-confidence, yet for this to work they must be coming to class to learn and practice reality based self defense and fighting techniques. Remember the best way to build self confidence is to know that you can defend yourself in the street or school yard. Also, remember that by national statistics the average black belt loses a street fight. Winning tournaments, high kicks, forms and reverse punches build false self confidence. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that any type of martial arts program traditional or modern will get a child in great shape, give them discipline and teach them to focus better. Yet, to build real life confidence you need to know how to survive an encounter with the school yard bully. As parents of Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense you don’t have to worry about this since as you know at Anta’s Martial Arts Kids classes we teach functional reality based street self defense and MMA style sparring. This will assure you that if your child is consistent in coming to class they will be prepared to defeat the school year bully and better yet have the confidence to walk in peace.
Find their passion and don’t let them quit or give up
Everyone has an inner passion or ability that they are obsece with. This could be any sport, music, art, etc. In your child’s case whether they are currently a student or stopped training for whatever reason they have or had that passion. As a teen my first martial art and first trophy that I ever won was judo. Yet, due to peer pressure I quit. 43 years later and numerous instructor certifications and black belts I still regret quitting judo. I wish my parents would have not let me quit. Some children tend to get lazy simply because they lack motivation. It is up to you to keep them motivated. I believe that I do not make a black belt, nor the child. I believe that the parents will make a black belt by motivating them and not letting them give up. A Junior Black Belt is the sum of good parenting.
Be a positive role model, have them around positive role models and people
Today’s athletes and Hollywood elite are not the role models they were when I was growing up. The example that they are giving our children are alcohol, drugs, rape and low moral standings. As parents we must lead by example and having them around good role models and peers.
As parents you are your child’s first hero. As your children grows older they will not follow what you tell them to do. They will eventually become more like you and follow your example. So if you are overweight the odds are that your child will be overweight. If you smoke, they will also follow our lead. You must lead by example by eating healthy not giving up or quitting in anything that you do in life.
Many of our students their entire family train here at Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense. We have numerous families that the children train in our martial arts kids program, mom workout in our fitness programs and dad in our Krav Maga. We also have mom and dad’s training in our Muay Thai Kickboxing and Jeet Kune Do/MMA programs. It is way harder for a child to quit when they see mom and dad training in our programs.
Martial Arts Instructors, coaches, school teachers, tutors, and babysitters can have a positive influence on your child’s life. Most kids will listen their role models more so than they do to their parents. Believe me I’ve raised two great successful young men and at times I had to speak to their coaches in other sports to talk to them.
My promise to you is that my instructors and I will lead by example and be positive role models for your children. I am a student for life and will continue to train in different martial arts and keep my body healthy and fit until they day I die, God willing. This in turn will ensure you that your kids will seek inspiration from us.
Always praise your child for the smallest accomplishments
Give positive reinforcement at home as we do in our classes. The process of building confidence should continue at home. Praise any accomplishment that they have at home, school and at martial arts training center. You don’t have to give false praise such as telling them that their kicking was amazing when in reality their kicks and effort was terrible.
Just wait for the opportunity to praise them even when you see the smallest accomplishment. This in conjunction with our martial arts child development, life skills program, our anti-bullying program, our reality based street self defense and MMA style (standup, throws, takedowns and ground fighting) program will accelerate your child's progress and self confidence.
If your child is a student of our please let me know of their progress and their success stories. If you are not a student yet lets talk on getting you on a program that will change your life and become your child’s hero again. If your child has stopped training call us at 305 599-3649, we would love to get him/her back.