When my wife decided to go to Southern California to get certified in Piloxing Knockout I decided not to just go to accompany her but to expand my health and fitness knowledge. My goal in going to Southern California was to find the best trainer available to take my physique and knowledge on longevity to the next level. Southern California has some of the best trainers but especially the best bodybuilders in the world. It was a hard decision. There were many choices such as bodybuilders, fitness instructors, strength and conditioning instructors and power lifters to choose from.
I decided to go train with 68 year old bodybuilder Robby Robinson AKA The Black Prince of Bodybuilding. I had been a fan and admired Robby since the mid 70’s. I had even painted an image of Robby on a wall of a friend of mines gym in the late 70’s. Yet, the main reason that I choose to train with him was how great he looks today and his body and skin remain youthful.
I was intrigued with and wanted to learn more about Robinson’s age defying secretes. Very few people regardless of age have the physique that The Black Prince has. Even in my bodybuilding heydays in my mid to late 20’s I never looked as good as Robby looks today a few months away from his 69th birthday.
Robinson has won the title of Mr. Universe, Mr. World, Mr. International, Mr America, Mr. Florida and the first over 50 Mr. Olympia. He was featured in the the 1975 documentary “Pumping Iron” that showcases some of the top competitors of the Mr. Olympia and Mr. Universe bodybuilding competitions that launched Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou “The Hulk” Ferrigno acting careers. In “Pumping Iron” Robby was the winner of the Mr. Universe. Robby also won numerous IFBB professional bodybuilding competitions. I saw Robby compete in the 1979 IFBB Florida Pro Bodybuilding Championships.
As a martial arts and fitness instructor I travel throughout the states training with the top martial arts and fitness instructors. As an instructor I believe in leading by example. I am always on a quest to learn as much as I can about martial arts, fitness and longevity. It’s still a mystery to me why some people go and train with personal trainers and fitness instructors that don’t look fit and muscular.
My main objective for working out is for longevity, then then by looking good and muscular, followed by power, strength, cardio and flexibility. So, you might ask what do I mean by longevity. To me longevity is being able to workout until the day I die and to stay injury free. It is said that Jack Lalane worked out the day he died. He went to bed that night and did not wake up. Looks, yes I want to look good. I want to look young and muscular. Those that have read my book “Anta’s Ageless Warrior Fitness” know that one of my pet peeves is those old looking over 40 experts and models in books.
On Sunday, February 22, 2015 a life long dream came true. I was finally training at Gold’s Gym Venice, The Mecca of Bodybuilding training with Robby Robinson. I arrived at Gold’s early. I wanted to make sure that I would get there on time and not get caught in the crazy Los Angeles traffic jams. I also wanted to browse the Pro-Shop and purchase my Gold’s Gym tank top. I changed into my Gold’s Gym tank top and warmup pants and waited for the Black Prince to arrive.
When he arrived we started training legs. The first thing he asked me was what I thought about when I enter the gym and start training. Wow, what an awesome pump and workout. While working out he told me that I could ask him all the questions I wanted. I picked his mind and he answered all my questions with great detail. Robby blew my mind with his knowledge on the human body, nutrition and bodybuilding.
As we worked out I noticed numerous people looking at me. I felt like a celebrity. Yet, I’m sure that they were looking at me thinking who the heck is this guy working out with the legendary bodybuilder Robby Robinson. After a while I felt like if I had known him for ever. I started asking him questions of the golden era of bodybuilding.
As we finished our workout he presented me with a gift, a “Robby Robinson Built” cap that he signed for me. He then asked me if I wanted to have lunch with him at “The Firehouse.” “The Firehouse” is a restaurant with a bodybuilding menu a block from Gold’s Gym. It was an honor to have lunch with Robby who I would send hours reading about him in the bodybuilding magazines.
I am currently doing the bodybuilding routine that Robinson gave me. As soon as I have all the supplements that Robby recommended I’ll start his eating plan and cardio program. I am as excited as when I got my first bodybuilding workout from my good friend Mario Ramil when I was 18 years old.
Yesterday, a week and a half since I started working out as Robby prescribed my wife looked at me and told me wow, your legs are looking great. She then told me “look at those shoulders and taper.” This was very motivating since my wife rarely notices any changes in my body. A month and a half before my 58th birthday I’m already in better shape than I was at 57 when I wrote my book “Anta’s Ageless Warrior Fitness.” Can’t wait to get on Robby’s full program.
I’ll keep you posted on my progress doing the Robby Robinson Built workout. For more information on my journey to longevity and improving with age get my book “Anta’s Ageless Warrior Fitness” at MiamiKettlebell.com/store. For more information on Robby Robinson, his book, DVD’s and training log on to RobbyRobinson.net.