Having worked in a prison for 10 years, 1990 to 2000 I know violence and know how the criminal mind thinks and acts. Personally I walk away from conflict and fights. Yet, my training is my insurance policy to survive in an act of violence. You are the first responder in an in an act of violence. It takes the police 12 minutes or more to get to the scene. Are you and your family insured?
We INVEST in Health Insurance, House Insurance, Life Insurance and Even Pet Insurance…
But why aren’t we INVESTING in Personal Protection Insurance?
Because Insurance is something that happens only after an incident, and personal protection starts before, during and after a violent encounter…
Most people find excuses why they don’t train in personal protection. Most think that an act of violence will never happen to them. some of the other excuses are that they don’t have the time, that they can’t afford it, need to spend time with the family, that they might get hurt. These are all excuses when the attack or act of violence happens to them or their love ones they will regret not taking action. Not having time or they need to spend time with the family is a lame excuse. You can always find time you have to make it a priority. Can’t afford it, that is also a priority stop spending money on Starbucks and eat less at restaurants. Going to get hurt, not at our school. We teach martial arts so you don’t get hurt. sure just like any sport or physical activity you might get a few bumps and scrapes, yet that is rare.
I have had parents bring me super shy, unsociable, weak kids that are being picked on by bullies. Yet, they tell me that they can’t find time in their schedule to bring the child to bring them to our self defense child development program. As an example I heard the child has soccer, tennis and chess classes so they can’t fit the self defense classes into their schedule. I guess that tennis, soccer and chess is more important than the child’s well being, emotional and phycological state and getting beat up by the bully. Life is about priorities. Insure your child.
Just because a Personal Protection policy doesn’t exist doesn’t mean that you can’t Invest in you or Your Child’s Ability to Prepare, Prevent, Mentally-Emotionally-Physically TAKE ACTION as well as manage the after effects of a conflict and/or violent encounter.
How do You Invest in your “Personal Defense Readiness?”
There are many places and resources out there, martial arts school, self defense workshops, youtube, online courses, etc… But most of these focus Mostly on the Physical act of defending yourself. Which is extremely important… Self Defense training helps you get more fit, and be able to take physical action which helps in improving your confidence in your abilities…
For 22 years that I’ve been teaching in Doral I been calling reality base self defense your insurance policy. I don’t mean sport martial arts. I mean a complete emotional, phycological and physical program for children. For kids we teach them a mixed martial arts (standup, throws, takedowns and ground, with submissions and Krav Maga for self defense. We teach the emotional and physiological aspects of self defense to kids through our anti-bullying program, Awaken the Warrior Within and the Indistractable program. them how to stay focused and looked confident with our Indistractable program. To top it off we believe that a martial artist has to be fit and strong to survive an encounter. We are big in physical conditioning. This is our insurance policy for children.
For adults we teach Krav Maga and kickboxing. For self defense Krav Maga is the best program. There are no belts, forms, completion or trophies. It’s a reality based tactical, situational awareness self defense. It is what they teach in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force.) You will learn hand to hand combat, gun, knife, rifle defense, knife fighting, anti-car jacking, anti-abduction, active shooter response and more. It is the ultimate way to learn the emotional, physiological and physical aspects of dealing with an act of violence. Our Muay Thai Kickboxing class will get you in great shape, give you confidence while teaching you how to fight to end an act of violence quickly.
What is more important than physical training and tactics? “The Mind Navigates the body, but emotions influence the mind.”
To get “Fully Insured” you need to Learn & Train 3 Dimensionally.
Emotionally - This is where we are attacked first, and learning about our emotions and how to manage them is crucial in staying calm and focused under pressure.
Psychologically - “Know FEAR”, and how the Bad Guys think and Behave will allow you to make faster better decisions while under pressure
Physically - “Stronger People are Harder to Kill”... Being fit, learning how our body reacts to a threat, and how to use our natural responses to take action with gross, complex and fine motor skills and tactics only makes us more dangerous to the Bad Guy.
Training in all 3 Dimensions overlap and support each other… You owe it to yourself and loved ones to invest in Personal Protection Policy. Take the time to research programs and coaches, make sure they include all 3 dimensions in their curriculum and approach to self defense system.
For more information on Anta’s Personal Protection programs in Doral for children, teens and adults log on to AntaMartialArts.com and DoralKravMaga.com or call us at 305 599-3649. I would love to talk to you about your personal protection and/or your child’s personal protection.