When people think of martial arts the tend to think about as something that kids do. cute little kids in white looking pajamas screaming loud when they punch. You may think of movies like “The Karate Kid” “Kung Fu Panda” or “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”. The reality is martial arts is VERY popular among adults.
In our martial arts fitness training center “Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense over 50% of our students are adults, and they are LOVING their martial arts training!
It’s an incredible workout that has lead to many people losing weight, gaining muscle, flexibility, and overall energy and vitality. You will also learn to defend yourself and your family. You could say that martial arts is “Fitness with a Purpose.” So why don’t more adults do martial arts?
Over the years I have noticed that most adults have two common concerns about why they are hesitant to try a class. They don’t want to get hurt and they don’t want to look silly. These are VERY REAL concerns, and if you are feeling this way, I don’t blame you at all! I can also tell you that you are not alone!
The Fear of Getting Hurt
Most of us think martial arts training is like what we see in the UFC or MMA world. You are in a cage with 4 oz. gloves going toe to toe. You will not be doing that!
Our philosophy in our school is “partners, not opponents”. We train together to learn, grow, and have fun. Yes, we are doing real martial arts that will work in the street, however we practice these skills with control so no one gets hurt.
We all have to work the next day, and no one wants to show up with a black eye or broken nose! We also believe in longevity and training for life.
The Fear of Looking Silly
No one wants to feel awkward or uncomfortable, especially in front of a group of people you don’t know very well. Our classes are broken down in a step by step, easy to learn process so anyone can learn…even if you don’t have any experience at all. We buddy up new students with more advanced students so you can ask questions and feel comfortable knowing that someone is right there to help you out.
We have classes in Krav Maga (Israeli Military Self Defense), Muay Thai Kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do/Judokickbox and numerous fitness classes. For more information log on to one of our websites http://www.antamartialarts.com, http://www.doralkravmaga.com or http:www.miamikettlebell.comYou can also find us on Facebook under Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense page.
I would recommend coming in and giving it a try or at least watch a class. I think you will see that the best people around are right here at Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense. Call us today at 305 599-3649 for a free tryout class.