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http://www.jpcoachmise.com/ コーチ アウトレット
http://www.converseannka.com/ コンバース ジャックパーセル
http://www.rolexwatchya.com/ ロレックス 時計
http://www.seikoannkajp.com/ グランドセイコー

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Julio Anta Bio

  • " "

    Julio Anta owns Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense one of South Florida’s most successful and recognized martial arts/fitness centers. Anta is a martial arts and fitness instructor.
    He is an international competitive bodybuilder. Julio is the 2017 South Florida Bodybuilding Champion 60 + overall winner and lightweight winner. He was the runner up in the 2019 North American Bodybuilding Championships 60 + Lightweight Division and the runner up in the Florida State Bodybuilding Championships 60+. He started competing in 1983 placing 3rd in the Mr. Jr. Florida and Mr. Miami.
    He was born in 1957 and began studying martial arts at 14 years old. He began bodybuilding shortly after in his late teens. Anta was also a Corrections Officer for 10 years and a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps Reserves. He is the author of "Anta's Ageless Warrior Fitness" Book. Anta created "Anta's Art of Fighting without Fighting Anti-Bullying" program and DVD. He also created "Awakened the Warrior Within" Life Skills Program. Below are some of his credentials, certifications and awards:


    -Kung Fu Master
    -Judokickbox Red/Black Belt 2nd Dan (2nd degree black belt)
    -Contemporary Jeet Kune Do Instructor
    -Contemporary Jeet Kune Do Law Enforcement and Edge Weapon Instructor
    -Tran's Muay Thai Association certified instructor Level 3 Kru
    -Krav Maga Association certified full instructor
    -Krav Maga Association Israeli Counter Terrorism
    -Krav Maga Association Active Shooter Response Instructor
    -Krav Maga Association Israeli Law Enforcement Defensive Tactics Instructor
    -Krav Maga Association Israeli Combat Shooting Instructor
    -NRA Pistol Instructor
    -Haganah F.I.G.H.T. Instructor
    -CORE Krav Maga Instructor
    -Krav Maga Martial Arts instructor
    -Gracie Jiu Jitsu blue belt at Valenti Brothers Jiu Jitsu
    -Burn with Kearns MMA Fighter Fit Level 3 Instructor
    -Jeet Kune Do Athletic Association Action Strength Instructor
    -HKC HardStyle Kettlebell Certification
    -CICS Certified Indian Club Specialist
    -Elite Combat Fitness Instructor
    -Elite Kettlebell Instructor
    -Kettlebell Concepts Instructor
    -IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist
    -Battling Ropes Instructor
    -ICSDA SABER Edge Weapon Combatives Instructor
    -Fitness Kickboxing Instructor
    -Kardio Karate Instructor
    -Pilates Instructor
    -ISSA Fitness Instructor
    -Martial Arts for Peace Bully Busters
    -National Security Agency Child Safety
    -American Council of Martial Arts Cooper Institute

    -2019 North American Bodybuilding Championships runner-up 60+ Lightweight
    -2019 Florida State Bodybuilding Championships runner-up 60+
    -2017 South Florida Bodybuilding Championships 60+ Overall Winner & Lightweight Winner
    -ICSDA (International Combat Self Defense Association) Advisory Board
    -2011 PMA Best Martial arts School in Doral
    -2010 Century Gold Award
    -2010 Dr Rolando Espinosa K-8 School Award
    -2009 Best of Doral Martial Arts Award
    -2009 Century Mark of Excellence Award
    -2006 United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame Kung Fu Master
    -2006 World Martial Arts Union Hall of Fame Life Achievements
    -2006 Miami Dade County Certificate of Appriciation
    -2006 Captain of the runners up in the South Florida Dragon Boat Festival 250 Meter Kung Fu Cup
    -2005 EFC Black Belt Schools “Outstanding Martial Arts School”
    -2005 EFC Black Belt Schools “Hero Award”
    -2005 Proclamation “Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense Day” City of Doral
    -2004 Miami Dade County “Martial Arts Excellence Award”
    -2003 Florida Martial Arts Hall of Fame “Instructor of the Year”
    -2003-2004 Co-holders of the World Simultaneous Kicking Record
    -1998 Florida PBA Certificate of Appreciation
    -1983 2nd runner up Jr. Florida Bodybuilding Championships
    -1983 2nd runner up Miami Bodybuilding Championship

    For his full biography log on to Anta Kung Fu and Miami Kettlebell