On Saturday, June 20, my son Julio D. Anta invited me to go to The Voice of the Martyrs Regional Conference http://www.persecution.com/ at Calvary Chapel of Ft Lauder dale. He will be going to China to teach English to middle school students with ELIC (English Language Institute of China) a Christian ministry.
This was a life changing experience for me watching on video and hearing numerous speakers that risk their lives daily around the world spreading the gospel. I've been a Christian for 23 years, a honorably discharged USMCR Sergeant, retired Prison Guard, Kung Fu Master, Haganah Israeli Self Defense instructor yet I can not see myself enduring the horror's that these true hero's endure daily for Christ.
Some of the speakers were missionary Gracia Burnham who with her husband spend a year captured by Filipino Muslims. The day she gain her freedom she was shot and her husband was killed. Getaneh Getaneh an Ethiopian Evangelist and Mujahid El Masih a Pakistani Christian.
Mujahid was born Muslim in Pakistan a country that is 98% Muslim. For 14 years in school he studied the Koran and Islam. From Islamic teachers and in the military he was taught hate Christians, Israel and non-Muslims and he wanted to be a martyr. At 25 years old he got to know Jesus. He went to Bible College, began to preach the gospel and was able to plant 24 churches in Pakistan.
In 1997 the Pakistani police and thousands of Muslims attacked two of the villages and burned 13 of their church buildings, 1500 Christian homes and thousands of Bibles. After this he moved to South Africa and Muslims tried to kill both him and his wife. Today he lives in America and god has put in his heart to teach Americans the truth about Islam. Log on to http://fortheloveofmuslims.com/ to read more about Mujahid El Masih ministry.
GetanehM. Getaneh an Evangelical Christian really opened my eyes and made me think. Getaneh throughout his preaching continued to cry out "Wake Up America you are Losing your Freedom!" He had been in prison, tortured and interrogated in Ethiopia numerous times and escaped twice. Getaneh was tortured. He was hung upside down for hours, then the Communist government poured boiling oil on his feet. He said that the pain was unbearable. He prayed for God to take him home. He said that a white cloud came in the room, he felt God's presence and the pain was gone. In 1985 God provided a way for him to flee to Djibouti. After the fall of the communist regime the government of Ethiopia assured him that things had changed and to return. As he arrived at the airport the new Muslim government arrested and imprisoned him for converting Muslims to Christians. He later fled to the US seeking asylum where he resides today.
Getaneh message was "Wake Up America you are Losing your Freedom!" He said that first the Ethiopian communist government first took theirr knives, then their guns and finally their religion. As he weep he said "Wake Up America you are Losing your Freedom, don't let the president, senate and the congress take your rights and freedom!"
For years I've taught self defense to christians and in churches and I've had a burden to teach missionaries awareness and self defense yet, after hearing what these true hero's and warriors of God go through I believe that a good Christian self defense program will help these Christian's continue to spread the gospel.
May God continue to bless these Christians around the world and don't forget Getaneh's cry "Wake Up America you are Losing your Freedom!"
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Posted by: PalkPlesgycle | August 29, 2013 at 05:31 PM